Top-quality butchers get grip on results with ISEEMORE
After a successful three-month pilot at Keurslagers (the top-quality butcher organisation), the implementation of ISEEMORE went live starting on 1 January under the name Versmonitor (fresh monitor). Meat specialists use Versmonitor to gain insight into their company administration and operational and financial performance. The new service is provided in collaboration with VersPlatform Nederland with various formulas.
Insight into financial performance is essential. Versmonitor has special software packages making it possible to gain this insight in a simple manner. A top-quality butcher can use the Versmonitor Index for free.
Top-quality butchers make daily decisions towards a successful future. But, what basis of information do you use to choose the right direction? Of course, the entrepreneurial instinct is important, but company data are the foundation for further growth. Versmonitor provides actual insight into the operational and financial performance of the company. It is especially developed for the fresh meat sector and the complete solution for fresh meat specialists.