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How does ISEEMORE work?

Big Data

The head office, franchiser, accounting or administration office, branch managers and/or franchisees maintain the bookkeeping, complete it, or enter the numbers.


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Data source

The head office, franchiser, accounting or administration office, branch managers and/or franchisees maintain the bookkeeping, complete it, or enter the numbers. It is also often the case that the bookkeeping package in use was an open choice. And the layout of the general ledger chart of accounts is often different.

In ISEEMORE, a one-time connection is made between your general ledger chart of accounts and the reporting model for each organisation. Thereafter, your data is automatically read in, enriched, and presented in a comprehensible manner. Of course, for the performance information and valuation to be presented accurately, the bookkeeping and recording of operational data for each period (weekly, monthly, and quarterly) still needs to be entered in its entirety.

Data input

The trial balance is read into the central system for each period in accordance with the given chart of accounts. Each period can be recorded both for actual and budgeted numbers, realized in the period and cumulatively. The period data is recorded continuously at the lowest level of detail. This allows indicators to be derived for each reporting period and consolidation level.

For example, if branches or schools that are part of an umbrella organisation are included in one administrative unit, the data can be imported by type for each cost centre. Operational data is entered manually as a part of the daily work activities. If necessary, data can be collected automatically via links, e.g. using cash register systems.

Data storage

The central database is used to store all period data for each individual organisation or collection of organisations that will be reported, such as:

  • Trial balances and budgets for each period
  • Number of customers for each period, by type
  • Hours per employee (worked, sickness, leave, and indirect), by period

When necessary, data is converted for reports.

Data retrieval

In addition to the standard reports, the "growing" collection of data encourages the focused searching for information to be used as a foundation for policy making and organisational development. Numbers are presented using comprehensible overviews. The specific KPIs are defined using the reporting function. Indicators can be specified if a value is to be compared with that of the previous year or with the budget. The presentation of data in graphics will be a part of the following release.
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Reporting model

Organisational data is incorporated into a standardised reporting model.    The reporting model consists of a set of simply defined performance indicators... Read more


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used to analyse performance.   These are displayed on the app and website as performance meters where... Read more


The products of ISEEMORE provide weekly or monthly insight into actual performance. You can enter and view data via smartphone app... Read more


A role based authorisation system is used to provide access to reports that belong to or are assigned to the... Read more


The implementation of ISEEMORE is focused on the development of a foundation, which is part of professional information management. With... Read more

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