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How does ISEEMORE work?

Reporting model

Organisational data is incorporated into a standardised reporting model. 



The reporting model consists of a set of simply defined performance indicators that each illustrate one or more financial, operation, or derived data. This set can be added to without limit as needed. You determine what performance indicators are displayed.

This model provides unambiguous insight into the performance of one or more organisations that are related to each other in different ways. In addition to the unambiguous presentation of data, the reporting model is a future-proof solution for the importing, consolidating, converting, and delivery of data in every (standard) format.

The reporting model is linked to:

Charts of accounts

In the future, every organisation will use the General Ledger Chart of Accounts (GLCA). The GLCA was developed at the initiative of the government. For the time being, each organisation generally has its own chart of accounts for the bookkeeping. The ISEEMORE Reporting model allows for this and can be interfaced with all charts of accounts.

Reporting schemes

Standardised reporting schemes have been developed to allow the exchange of company data between information systems. An example of an internationally standardised scheme is XBRL. XBRL is an XML taxonomy that stems from the Standard Business Reporting (SBR) program. SBR is adopted by the government. XBRL is used for such purposes as filing of the financial statements with the Chamber of Commerce and submitting credit reports to banks. The ISEEMORE Reporting model can be interfaced with all reporting schemes for the outputting of data.

ISEEMORE database

The operational data that is periodically saved in the ISEEMORE database is also linked to the reporting model. Data such as number of customers and hours worked can be extended as desired. In addition to and in combination with the financial data, it is possible to attain complete insight into an organisation’s performance.

Calculation model

The reporting model is linked to the ISEEMORE Calculation model. The Calculation model determines derived data such as turnover per hour worked and average customer spend.

External databases

Financial and operational data can also be taken directly from company information systems. The reporting model can use web services to link to systems that are connected to the internet.

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